Welcome to TranZwear!
Here you will find all things related to medically based transition for: FTM/Transguys/Bois/Genderqueer
Please note: The STPs/Packers/Silicone products on our site are medical-grade prosthetics and or/ urinary devices. Because they are intended for medical transitional needs, they are made with/in a soft pack that resembles male genitalia and may offend some people .
By continuing to view any material contained within this website, you are stating and acknowledging that: You are an adult over the age of 18. You will not allow anyone under the legal age of 18 to have any access to materials contained within. You are voluntarily continuing to view this site and will be exposed to material that are medically transitional items and of an adult nature. If you are not at least 18, please close this page.