Custom Made Gear Largest Variety on the web Keeping it all at low affordable pricing Making us the one stop shop for all things - FTM Genderqueer, Butch, Boi, Stud We are able to adjust to your size or other requests as we make all the items all right here under one roof in our shop Customized to fit you just the way you want Please check our tab "When will my discrete package ship?" for more info We have experienced sewists to make your gear to your specifications. We also use high end professional materials, including professional grade elastic and actual Cock rings, thick and made to last, not thin Home Depot plumbing "O" rings that are inexpensive and will snap after a few uses of taking your packer in and out of the ring. If spending your hard earned dollars on products that will last is important, you've come to the right place. We set our standards high, we won't provide you items that we wouldn't use ourselves. Nothing goes out without being tested by members of the community who have given their feedback and thumbs up to the final design.
Den Kirkwood Tucker
Boisland Enterprises, comprising of: www.TranZwear.com www.BulletBriefs.com wholesale www.TranZkids.com www.FTMxGear.com
and now on Etsy:
I quickly respond to all product/order related questions via email 7 days a week. If you don't get a response the same day/within 24hrs, it means I didn't get it, please send it again. Please don't attempt to hit "reply" to your confirmation receipt as it will bounce due to the receipt coming from the store/our webhost. Please send it to one of the addresses listed below. We pride ourselves on our customer service, everyone deserves speedy response time to inquiries.
TranZwear@gmail.com Boisland@gmail.com
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Want Free Gear?
Thanks for the clicking on this link on how to get on board with our new Street Team.
SIGN UP FOR THE STREET TEAM: So here is the way to get on board to the Street Team and to access free gear. We're truthfully swamped with getting your orders completed and out the door and we need your help getting the word out about Tranzwear. You help us out and by doing so, you get free gear. So it's a win win in our minds. We make every attempt at designing and producing decent, well made products AND providing them at low pricing. To join the Street Team, we'd like you to share what you liked about Tranzwear, what products you bought, and why it was what you were looking for. To get on the Street Team, share this info on any of your social media sites. Whether it be a posting on a message board via Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit or a YouTube video vlog review. Please include in your posting, our web store link. Once you do that, then all you have to do is send us the link to that posting with your order, (this one or the next) , you can email it to us before we ship the order. Once we have this link, we’ll be happy to add a free item with your order. All you need to do is provide the link to your posting on the order and we’ll add a free item of our choosing ( w/ a value between $10-$25) to the order as a thank you for sharing what’s great about Tranzwear and our products. It's that simple.
As we develop and add new designs and products to our site, we hope that that the gear meets your expectations, and if not, we’d like to be the one you tell via email so that we can work together on providing a better experience and products. This is how we've continued to provide excellent customer service and great products at a decent price for the last 6 years, from community feedback. For you to tell us what worked and what didn't work, helps us understand and work on making things better. We also would like to know if there are products that you have seen elsewhere and you would like us to carry or to develop in our design shop. You can always send any inquiry, feedback, or questions to tranzwear@gmail.com